
Department of Environment and Sustainability


An interdisciplinary approach to the environment and a shared society

Degree Programs: Natural Sciences, Mathematical Sciences, Human Life Sciences, Social Sciences

This department aims to equip students with the necessary skills to identify, discuss and solve various issues related to the environment in its broadest sense, from our immediate surroundings to the global environment. The ultimate aim is to realize a sustainable shared global society rooted in harmony between humans and the environment. Based on these goals, the department has established the following two academic areas.

  • Environmental Science Foundation: We educate students on the basic science necessary to analyze the formation of the environment and to discover and debate related issues.
  • Environmental Formation: We educate students on technologies and systems for environmental improvement, the policies of national and local government, citizen education and participation, and the activities of businesses, NPOs and NGOs.

The education offered by this department encourages active education and research combined with cutting-edge scientific experiments, domestic and international fieldwork and a variety of surveys while emphasizing high-quality academic practice. We are also unique in our aims to equip students with practical skills by creating opportunities for them to become involved in the environmental activities of NPOs and NGOs and a range of environmental improvement projects.


Natural Sciences

Shigeki Aoki Professor Elementary Particle Physics, Cosmic-ray Physics
Hiroki Ashida Associate Professor Photosynthetic Enzyme
Yasuhito Ebara Associate Professor Bioorganic Chemistry
Masayuki Itoh Professor Astrophysics, Science Education
Toshifumi Minamoto Associate Professor Aquatic Ecology,Environmental Physiology
Kenichi Ohkushi Professor Geology, Paleontology
Nobuko Ohmido Professor Plant Environmental Biotechnology
Harumi Sato Associate Professor polymer chemistry, Polymer Physics
Yasuoki Takami Associate Professor Evolutionary Biology
Shigenori Tanaka Professor Theoretical Life Science, Computational Biology
Atsushi Tani Associate Professor Planetary Environmental Physics
Atushi Ushimaru Professor Plant Ecology, Urban Ecology, Biodiversity Science

Mathematical Sciences

Taichi Inaba Associate Professor Mathematical Statistics and Data Analysis
Masataka Kuwamura Professor Applied Analysis
Takahisa Miyata Professor Geometric Topology
Kosaku Nagasaka Associate Professor Symbolic and Algebraic Computation
Yuji Sakamoto Associate Professor Mathematical Statistics
Makoto Takahashi Professor Mathematical Logic and Informatics

Human Life Sciences

Hiroya Fukuda Associate Professor Electrical and Electronic Measurement, Human-Electronics
Yosuke Hirayama Professor Housing and Urban Studies
Mari Inoue Professor Clothing Science, Kansei Engineering
Tomoko Ohno Associate Professor Environmental Sciences and Technology, Landscape Architecture
Masayuki Sato Associate Professor Environmental and Resource Economics, Lifestyle Analysis
Naoko Shirasugi Professor Dietary Environmental Science
Tomohiro Tabata Associate Professor Urban Environmental System Engineering

Social Sciences

Shinichi Asano Professor Social Environment, Sociology
Fumiko Furukawa Assistant Professor responsible for environmental research Community-based Resource Conservation
Naoto Hashimoto Associate Professor Social Philosophy, History of Sociology
Katsuro Inokuchi Associate Professor Social security, Welfare State, Disaster Victims' Livelihood Problems
Takuya Iwasa Associate Professor Industrial Social Environment
Akihiro Okada Professor Law and Politics in Britain
Kazuhiro Ota Associate Professor Development and Politics
Munenori Sawa Professor Human Geography